Tuesday, August 20, 2013

What is a blog?

A blog is simply a webpage that is created/edited by writing messages, or posts, in an online tool. Upon submitting the post or message, the online tool immediately shares the text with the world on the blog page. The posts appear in chronological order with the newest post displaying first. Blogging has been described as online journaling because users often record their personal opinions or reflections much as they would on pen and paper. The difference is that, in an online environment, your readers can comment on your reflections and a conversation is begun!

Commoncraft explains a blog “in plain English”:

Leefever, Lee. (Blogs in Plain English [video]. Available from  http://www.teachertube.com/viewVideo.php?video_id=12423

OR check out the video What is Blogging?

UEA. (2012). What is Blogging?[video]. Available from http://youtu.be/WwcW5AKcfl4

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